Posted on 10/1/2016

How many times have you had a near-miss, whether as a driver or a pedestrian; that involved some idiot using their phone while driving? Technology has conditioned us to automatically respond instantly whenever our phones make a noise. We also live in a more mobile social environment filled with modern conveniences that make us more likely to try and do more than one thing at once. It’s not that uncommon to see people try and eat food or do their makeup while driving. Studies have shown that around 77% of young adults say they are confident enough to be able to text while driving and 55% of them claimed that it was easy to do. The truth is that only around 2% of people are actually able to multi-task to this degree. Do you think you could fly an F22 at Mach 2 like a fighter pilot? That’s true multitasking. The statistics about distracted driving tell us the truth, and here it is; Most crashes happen within the first three seconds of a driver being distracted Around 23% o ... read more