While it might be hard to imagine songs being written about being driven down the highway by Google self-driving cars are slowly becoming a reality. It’s expected that everyone will be driving (or not) a self-driving car within the next few decades. The Google self-driving car has already been road tested and has clocked up millions of miles. Tesla also have their own Autopilot feature in some of their cars that are on the road. Today
more self-driving prototypes are being created and put together. Of course one of the main benefits of a self-driving car is that people will be able to sit back and relax as they drive but there’s more to it than just that. The safety benefits along are great. A self-driving car does not get distracted and it can’t break the rules of the road. Self-driving cars always stay within the speed limit, carefully plan their routes, and are able to communicate with other cars around them in a safe and productive manner so it won’t be a problem if one changes lane suddenly. The reality is that 90% of auto accidents are caused by driver error – something that a self-driving car won’t have.
As a self-driving car will always be within the speed limit they are also more fuel-efficient which cuts down on emissions and fuel consumption/costs. A self-driving car also takes a lot of hassle out of parking because it can drop you off and then go drive miles away if it has to for parking. Pretty soon we could see parking lots get smaller and smaller or be replaced entirely by large parking lots out of the way.
Another great benefit is that self-driving cars will allow older people to retain the freedom and mobility that driving gives them. People are living longer these days but that doesn’t mean that their eyesight and reflexes will stay young. Allowing senior citizens to keep their mobility and independence like this will have a great positive effect on them.
It will take time to transition to a world of driver-less cars and there are lots of changes that need to be made to get there. No matter what happens though you can be sure that we’ll be here to take care of your car and keep it on the road, even if you aren’t the one driving it.