Posted on 10/2/2016

Indulge me for a second while I tell you about an experience I recently had with one of my favorite restaurants. It’s a Thai place that’s a little off the beaten path; one of those rare hidden gems every city has but barely anyone knows about. I’ve been going there for years so you could imagine how devastated I was to hear that they were changing ownership. I was glad to hear that their head chef would be staying on though because the restaurant had received plenty of rave reviews for making sauces and breads from scratch. It was obvious right away that things were different with the new owners. While the chef and the rest of his team were following the same recipes they were using lower quality ingredients; they were using frozen meat and premade bread. It just wasn’t the same. They lost me as a customer and I wasn’t the only customer they lost. It was the same chef, using the same recipe, but he was using low quality ingredients. If you can understand ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2016

The quality of the air around us always affects us. People these days are more aware of air pollution and how it affects them, but have you ever taken the time to consider the air inside your car? Many cars made since 2000 come with cabin air filters. These filters keep the air in the passenger compartment clean and regulated. They are able to clean dust, pollen and even pollutants out of the air in your car. This is particularly helpful for people who have seasonal allergies. You don’t want to be sneezing when you’re trying to drive! If you’re not sure whether or not your car comes with a cabin air filter then just take a look at the owner’s manual. If there is one then the manual will also contain information about how to replace it when it gets dirty. If you live in an area with a lot of dust, pollen and pollution then we recommend getting your cabin air filter changed on a more frequent basis. If you aren’t sure then just bring it in to us and ask on ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2016

How many times have you had a near-miss, whether as a driver or a pedestrian; that involved some idiot using their phone while driving? Technology has conditioned us to automatically respond instantly whenever our phones make a noise. We also live in a more mobile social environment filled with modern conveniences that make us more likely to try and do more than one thing at once. It’s not that uncommon to see people try and eat food or do their makeup while driving. Studies have shown that around 77% of young adults say they are confident enough to be able to text while driving and 55% of them claimed that it was easy to do. The truth is that only around 2% of people are actually able to multi-task to this degree. Do you think you could fly an F22 at Mach 2 like a fighter pilot? That’s true multitasking. The statistics about distracted driving tell us the truth, and here it is; Most crashes happen within the first three seconds of a driver being distracted Around 23% o ... read more