Posted on 3/16/2018
Question: What can I do to improve my fuel economy? Spectrum Car Care Answer: There are actually a lot of things Gilbert drivers can do – some of them are pretty easy. One of the first things is make sure their tires are properly inflated. On the inside of the driver's door or door jamb is a plate that indicates the correct tire pressure. Careful – there might be a different pressure for the front and rear tires. Check them at least once a month. Carrying extra weight in the vehicle hurts . Leave unnecessary stuff home. Do we even need to mention driving fast around Gilbert and jackrabbit starts? Gently accelerate and plan your stops so that you can ease into them a bit. This really makes a big difference. Now there are a number of maintenance items that improve fuel economy for Gilbert drivers. Lubricants should be replaced on schedule – dirty oil, tr ... read more